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Wake Up Call AFI

При желании вы можете слушать Wake Up Call онлайн, либо скачать в mp3 от AFI. Так же мы стараемся делать доступными тексты произведений и их видео клипы.

Исполнитель песни: AFI

Название: Wake Up Call

Продолжительность файла mp3: 01:42

Когда добавлен: 2014-10-05

Просмотров: 770

Рейтинг песни: 0

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Текст песни:

If I had my way I'd wish them away,
but I can't find the magic inside of me.
I'll give my best, cause I can give no more,
but your problems aren't solved so easily.

I'm not someone that you should run to.
I've been, often, as broken as you,
more often than you'd like me to.

If I could heal all the pain that you feel,
I'd gladly cure all that ails you inside.
Unfortunately, I have no degree and I can not anesthetize.

I'm not someone that you should run to.
I've been, often, as broken as you,
more often than you'd like me to.

I wish that I could help you.
I can't even help myself.
It seems you need a saving grace and a savior's something I'm not.
right! whoa!
I wish that I could help you.
I can't even help myself.
It seems you need a saving grace and a savior's something I'm not.


3.)Wake Up Call - AFI

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