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The Great Disappointment AFI

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Исполнитель песни: AFI

Название: The Great Disappointment

Продолжительность файла mp3: 05:27

Когда добавлен: 2014-12-17

Просмотров: 647

Рейтинг песни: 0

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Текст песни:

I can remember, a place I used to go.
Chrysanthemums of white
They seemed so beautiful.
I can remember, I searched for the amaranth.
I'd shut my eyes, to see.

Oh how I smiled then, so near the cherished ones.
I knew they would appear, saw not a single one.
Oh how I smiled then, waiting so patiently.
I'd make a wish and bleed.

While I waited , I was wasted away
While I waited , I was wasted away

I can remember...dreamt them so vividly
Soft creatures draped in white, light kisses gracing me
I can remember when I first realized dreams were the only place to see them.

While I waited , I was wasted away
While I waited , I was wasted away
While I waited , I was wasted away

Hope was wasting away.
Faith was wasting away.
I was wasting away.

I never, never wanted this.
I always wanted to believe.
Never never wanted this.
How could I have become?
Never Never wanted this.
From the start I'd been deceived.
Never never wanted this.
How could I have become?

I never, never wanted this.
I always wanted to believe.
Never never wanted this.
Never Never wanted this.
From the start I'd been deceived.
Never never wanted this.

Inside a crumbling effigy
(But you promised)
So dies all innocence
(But you promised me)

While I waited , I was wasted away
While I waited , I was wasted away
While I waited , I was wasted away

Hope was wasted away.
Faith was wasted away.
I was wasted away.


AFI - The Great Disappointment


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